Go and Equip

Go and Equip

Episode 205 – Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg

September 14, 2022

In 2017, Chandalee picked up this life-changing book, Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, while at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. It was an instrumental book for her in reframing from a Western to an Eastern view and interpretation of Scripture. Today, Chandalee and Jenn have the privilege of talking with the author, Lois Tverberg. Listen in as they talk about why should we be concerned with Jesus' Jewishness, how it changes our reading of the Word and much more in the conversations this week and next!

Connect with us at goandequip.com or message us at chandalee@goandequip.com.

If you missed the previous video conversations about the show’s five themes of ahavah, talmidim, apologia, da’at Elohim and besorah, you can find them on the goandequip.com blog or on youtube.com.


Connect with and follow Lois at ourrabbijesus.com.

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