Go and Equip

Episode 201 – Just the facts, ma’am or is there more?
Welcome back to Season 2 of the Podcast!! Chandalee and Jenn are excited to be back with you.
Do you know God? What does that really mean? What does the Bible mean when it talks about us knowing God? Is it even possible? Do we just know the facts about Him or is there more? Today on the podcast Chandalee and Jenn dive into the definition and intricacies of da'at Elohim. Join us as we navigate through scripture and the Hebrew language to discover what knowing God is all about.
This season on the podcast our hosts are going to have some conversations about each of the themes and where we find them in Scripture. They are also going to continue conversations with individuals and ministries about each theme. Come along for the journey as we all discover more about God through the themes of ahavah, da'at Elohim, talmidim, besorah and apologia.
Connect with us at goandequip.com or message us at chandalee@goandequip.com.
If you missed the previous video conversations about the show’s five themes of ahavah, talmidim, apologia, da’at Elohim and besorah, you can find them on the goandequip.com blog or on youtube.com.
SHOW NOTES:201_8.16.22_daatelohim_transcriptDownload
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