Go and Equip

Go and Equip

Episode 17: Becoming Indie Thinkers

October 05, 2021

Hello! Welcome back to the podcast today! Chandalee and Jenn recently had the opportunity to sit and chat with Reed Uberman, found of the Indie Thinker podcast. Reed's passion is cultural apologetics, and his desire is to help Christians use their minds to become informed on the topics that matter most today so they can confidently speak up about what is true.

You can find the Indie Thinker podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube. 

Connect with us at goandequip.com or message us at chandalee@goandequip.com.  

If you missed the previous video conversations about our show’s five themes of ahavah, talmidim, apologia, da’at Elohim and besorah, you can find them on the goandequip.com blog or on youtube.com.