Go and Equip

Go and Equip

Latest Episodes

Episode 214 – Living out Ahavah through Little Biscuits
December 13, 2022

This episode continues the conversation Chandalee and Jenn had with Little Biscuit Fund—an adoption fund founded and operated by a couple of their friends, Zeke and Shanda Arter. Little Biscuit Adopti

Episode 213 – Loving Little Biscuits
November 29, 2022

As we're nearing the end of season one, Chandalee and Jenn would like to introduce you to Little Biscuit Fundan adoption fund founded and operated by a couple of their friends, Zeke and Shanda Arter.

Episode 211 – Hostile Territory and Hard Concepts
November 01, 2022

Today, Chandalee and Jenn chat with another of their pastors, Michael Johnson, about some hot-button terms in apologiacritical theory and intersectionality. They know these are hard to grasp concepts

Episode 210 – Living Captivated by the Besorah
October 18, 2022

What captivates you in life? In their conversations with Darrell Davenport, Chandalee and Jenn talked about a woman in Honduras that was captivated when she heard the gospel for the first time. Listen

Episode 209 – Organic Sharing of the Besorah
October 11, 2022

Today Chandalee and Jenn continue their conversation with Darrell Davenport, one of their pastors, about a place they love and have served together, the mountains of Honduras. The churches we work wit

Episode 208 – The Good News in Honduras
October 05, 2022

Based out of Matthew 28:19-20, Go and Equip ministry was created to implement as your going live out life on mission to share the besorah (Good News) and the other themes of ahavah, apologia, da'at El

Episode 207 – Stringing the Pearls About Being Talmid
September 27, 2022

Jewish Rabbis use a concept called "stringing the pearls" when teaching. These "pearls" show connections between text in the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, etc. In the New Testament, Rabbi Jesus d

Episode 206 – Don’t go alone, go with a HAVER (Lois Tverberg)
September 20, 2022

Haver. That's a different word. What does it mean? As a talmid (student/learner), we shouldn't go it alone, we should have a haver (a study friend) to go with us. This week, Chandalee and Jenn continu

Episode 205 – Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg
September 14, 2022

In 2017, Chandalee picked up this life-changing book, Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, while at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. It was an instrumental book for her in reframing from a Western to an E

Episode 204 – A Battle is Raging, Part 2
September 06, 2022

How are you fighting the battle that's raging around us? Today, Chandalee and Jenn finish the second half of the conversation with Moms in Prayer leadership, Sally Burke, President, and Patti Walker,