Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Latest Episodes

Finding Gnosis, Finding God
August 05, 2023

The God Above All Gods wants to be known. This God wants us to know we are loved.

Aeons, Archons, Angels, or Aliens?     A Gnostic Interpretation of Ancient Aliens Theory
July 29, 2023

This episode pays attention to the question continually raised by the ancient aliens theoristswere the gods of the pre-flood era merely misinterpreted alien visitors with alien tech? Are the falle

Revisiting Reincarnation
July 22, 2023

That the "you" that exists between material incarnations is nothing but your karmic record is proved by one of our basic assertions that all units of consciousness are fundamentally one and the same,

John Munter Interview Part 2
July 15, 2023

This week we'll hear part two of my interview with gnostic John Munter. He's a follower of the Gospel of Thomas, which is one of the more popular gnostic books. John offers a unique method of interpre

The Ecstasy of Another–John Munter Interview Part 1
July 08, 2023

This week's episode presents part 1 of an interview with a fellow gnostic, John Munter. In this episode, John tells us about his unique method of interpreting the Gospel of Thomas. We will continue th

Demiurgic Justice
July 01, 2023

A podcast listener recently asked me to amend my categorization of the Demiurge as a malevolent force. He asked me to read the "Epistle to Flora" from The Gnostic Scriptures to see that the Demiurge i

Birth of the Demiurge
June 24, 2023

What is the Demiurge and how did it come about? What was the presumptuous thought that led the youngest Aeon to overreach and fall and how does that relate to Self and Ego? Why would the Father set t

There’s too much confusion
June 17, 2023

This week's episode is about confusion versus simplicity. Our God is not a god of confusion, but of peace. If you find yourself becoming more and more confused when studying gnostic scriptures and boo

The Truth About Eternal Damnation
June 10, 2023

Those who have not accepted the forgiveness and redemption of the Christ do indeed suffer when they pass away from this life. This suffering is not handed down by an angry God but is rather their own

Consciousness and Categorical Errors
June 03, 2023

Consciousness does not arise out of information. Consciousness predates information, particularly the information that comes out of this universe. You can add up all of the information on the Internet