Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Latest Episodes

Ego’s Shroud
November 05, 2021

The Ego protects us from the world. The Ego collects our experiences and memes and holds them on its surface. From the outside, it looks to our neighbors as though we are only our Ego because the Ego

As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent
October 29, 2021

If we start with the premise of a singular consciousness that pre-exists everything that came after it, then we can follow the genesis of our universe from that consciousness step-by-step. In today's

One Gnostic God; Many Inhabited Worlds
October 23, 2021

If 5.3 trillion planets are thought to support life, how many of them would recognize the Gnostic Gospel? This episode offers a form of logical proof that the universe must be teeming with Second Orde

October 10, 2021

This episode looks at "centering" from several perspectives. What is centering and why do people do it? Learn how to center using toroidal flow--a consciousness-studies favorite. You can also center u

Escaping Fundamentalism, Part 2, with Adrian Charles Smith
October 03, 2021

Continuing our discussion of fundamentalism in all its fractal forms with my gnostic friend, Adrian Smith. Learn how manufactured fear and demonization of the other drives us into the clutches of the

Escaping Fundamentalism with Adrian Charles Smith, Part 1
September 27, 2021

In this interview, gnostic author Adrian Charles Smith shares his intimate understanding of fundamentalism as a fractal pattern that permeates all institutions, from literalist churches to Progressive

Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 2: AI and Robotics
September 21, 2021

Is there a qualitative difference between life forms and the potential consciousness of computers and robots? Why is it that "meat" levels up to make more complex, conscious assemblages, whereas "mud

Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 1: Consider Viruses and Organoids
September 12, 2021

Much to its chagrin, the demiurge cannot create life or imbue consciousness into dead matter. This episode examines viruses and organoids to uncover the fine line between living and non-living forms,

Slime Mold Pleroma
September 05, 2021

One cool thing about slime molds is that they are individual, single-celled organisms, yet when conditions call for it, they come together and form one fully coordinated body. Once in that aggregated

Monads, Panpsychism, and the Fullness of God
August 28, 2021

Our universe is comprised of fractal units of consciousness of the Fullness of God, each with their own point-of-view. These monads come into our universe with all of the original consciousness of the