Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Latest Episodes

The Birth and Nature of Logos
May 29, 2022

A listener asks why it was necessary to populate this Fallen material world. Why not just abandon the Demiurge down here? Why send the Second Order of Powers into this rocky place on a mission of red

Magic and Gnosis
May 22, 2022

What's with the so-called gnostic connection with magical practices? Cyd examines some of the inconsistencies between magic and Gnosticism and argues that magic is not a virtuous pursuit.

Job and the Demiurge
May 15, 2022

Yahweh tortures a man named Job in order prove Job's faithfulness to him. Does this sound like the behavior of a loving God? Here we see how the actions of the Old Testament God are actually those of

Leading With Your Heart
May 08, 2022

Leading with our heart chakra helps us move through the world with love and compassion. Cyd reflects upon this idea and how it can help us interact with others less judgmentally whilst improving our p

Tibetan Book of the Dead
May 01, 2022

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an ancient manuscript that presents gnosis from an eastern perspective. In this episode, Cyd shows the parallels between gnosticism and Tibetan Buddhist thought. There

Sethian Gnosticism
April 24, 2022

This week's episode compares Sethian gnosticism to the Valentinian gnosticism we usually feature. We'll learn some of the basic ways that these two strains of "gnosticism" differ. Who/what is the Barb

Easter Message, 2022
April 17, 2022

The Christ has never fallen. The Christ didn't fall. The Christ was a new fruit that came after the Second Order of Powers. The Christ came down voluntarily in order to save creation and return the en

Valentinian Theology Review
April 10, 2022

This episode discusses some of the differences and similarities between Gnosticism and Christianity and suggests that this Gnostic theology is what Jesus of Nazareth actually taught. Who is God? What

Honoring Our Aeonic Nature
April 03, 2022

As part of the Gnostic psychology that I'm developing along with my brother, Bill, this episode discusses virtues and vices and how they relate to our Aeonic inheritance.

The Demiurge’s Strings of Power
March 24, 2022

The Demiurge controls our material universe with strings of power, like a puppet master. There is no free will in the material controlled by the Demiurge. Free will is an attribute of the Father's con