Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

There’s too much confusion

June 17, 2023

This week’s episode is about confusion versus simplicity. Our God is not a god of confusion, but of peace. If you find yourself becoming more and more confused when studying gnostic scriptures and books about gnosticism, it’s possible you are heading down the wrong rabbit trails.

The simplest explanation that works to answer the question is usually the best explanation. That’s known as Occam’s Razor. The gnosis presented by the Tripartite Tractate is extraordinary in its simplicity. It also explains gnosis in reasonable and logical terms.

We don’t need to learn how historical gnostics practiced their religion. We don’t need to memorize arcane diagrams and rituals. All we need to do is remember the gnosis that is already within us. Anything more than that may be leading to confusion rather than clarity. And if you find yourself becoming disillusioned and disheartened, then what you’re learning is likely demiurgic and not gnosis.

Remember, the Father’s consciousness flows outward through the Son, and from the Son through the Aeons, and through the Aeons into us Second Order Powers birthed into the cosmos here below. We need to remember where we come from and whose consciousness we are a part of. We need to develop the discernment to be able to tell left from right, vice from virtue, demiurgic machinations from divine inspiration, and ego-centered willpower from God’s will.

We come from Above and we return to Above. Repent; be redeemed so you can return to your home Above. And remember when you pass over to the other side to head onward and upward; don’t look back.

front cover of A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic GospelYou may purchase an advance copy of A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

The official, full-color version of A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel will be back from the publisher in a few months. Meanwhile, the version above is in black and white but the text is the same. This book is 265 pages long.

You may purchase my original Gnostic Gospel here or at any online book dealer.

The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated is a simple 50 pages long and profusely illustrated. This is the simplest possible presentation of the Tripartite Tractate, with no extra explanations or big, theological words.

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