Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Fractal Pleromas

May 06, 2023

Pleroma is a Greek word for “all that which is contained within a body or organization.” The Pleroma of the Fullness of God is the Pleroma we most often refer to in connection with Gnosticism. The Pleroma of the Fullness of God is the sum total of all the individual characteristics and powers of the originating consciousness of the Father as manifested in the monad known as the Son.

But there are other Pleromas, too. In this series, we have heard about the Pleroma of Logos and the Pleroma of the Demiurge. We have also heard about the Pleroma of the Christ.

It turns out that every entity, with the exception of the originating Father and Son, is not only part of a larger Pleroma, it is itself a Pleroma that contains a host of smaller entities. We are all fractals of the Fullness and we are all nested iterations of the same fractal consciousness. We are all nested within larger Pleromas, and we have the Pleroma of our body within us.

Confused? Here’s the explanation…

the Fullness of God appears as a pyramid of golden orbsThe aeons name themselves and sort themselves into a hierarchy. The final Aeon, Logos, contains fractals of all the other Aeons.

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