Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Garden of the 3-Fold Order

April 02, 2023

This week’s episode takes a sneak peek into Chapter 13 of my upcoming book, “A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel.” Chapter 13 is about the way ethereal consciousness came to create physical matter and how this consciousness interfaces with that matter. This chapter is ground zero for consciousness studies–providing a logical framework for the flow and process of consciousness—how it was in the beginning, and how it instantiates down here.

Let me begin by saying, once again, that everything is a fractal. A fractal is a geometric form where things look very much the same at larger and smaller scales. We humans, and all other Second Order Powers, are fractals of the originating consciousness by way of the Hierarchy of the Fullness. This is why I always begin with the Father, the Son, and the Fullness of God with its Pleroma of Aeons, because we are fractal emanations of that same Aeonic consciousness.

We are “those who belong to the remembrance,” and we “reproduce the likeness” of the Aeons. This is another way of saying that we are fractals of the Fullness—we “share the names with which they are adorned.” By “names,” we are talking about the characteristics of those Aeons, not merely their titles. In Jungian psychology, these names would be called archetypes; in Platonism, these names would be forms. The names represent the position, place, function, and duties of the Aeons—which are all of the archetypal forms that make up our universe.

The Aeons are called the images, and we are their representations. In other words, we are fractals of the Aeons of the Fullness of God. In A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything, I refer to these fractals as “units of consciousness.” Those units of consciousness carry forward the Son’s One consciousness, as well as their particular self-aware identities—their names. Even though the word does not appear in the Tripartite Tractate, I have defined those names as the Aeons’ Egos, because everyone’s ego is a unique designation of the one who bears it.

Consciousness flows from the top down, informing all of creation.