Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Kicking Cravings Through Gnosis

March 25, 2023

This episode looks at the cravings that have taken you over and how to rid yourself of them, whether those cravings are for sex, drugs, social media, or whatever other forces are binding you. Here you will find practical advice from the Gnostic Gospel that enables you to rise above compulsions you would like to kick to the curb.

Someone accused me of being “provincial” a while back. Yep. The road is wide that leads to destruction, and the way is narrow that returns us to the Fullness Above. Faith is not a weakness–it’s a blessing and a beacon.

We are fractals of that loving consciousness and so our lives truly resonate to the Fullness of God. All else is delusion and distraction. All else leads to feelings of loss and abandonment. When you embrace values of the fallen world that is ruled by the Demiurge and his archonic gang, you are brought down and enslaved. The only way out is to repent and renounce those forces. “Get thee behind me, Satan!” It’s time to drop those pernicious memes and embrace the values of the Fullness instead.

Every virtue of the Fullness of God is countered by a vice that is its shadow. Vices pull us down; virtues lift us up.

The values of the Demiurge lead to isolation and despair. The values of the Fullness lead to peace and joy. The memes you cling to affect your karma and pull you this way or that.