Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

The Aeons Give Glory and Generate Logos

December 31, 2022

By this point in the Tripartite Tractate, the Son comes to be referred to as the Father, because the Son is the Father of the Second Glory—the Aeons of the Fullness. We see here that the Son, although a singular monad, is still a unity of many Aeons. The Son becomes knowable through the innumerable properties and names of the Aeons. These functional identities include names like flower, tree, dog, human, even parts of living bodies who themselves are alive, like kidney cells.

The Aeons then arranged themselves into a hierarchy of “minds of minds, which are found to be words of words, elders of elders, degrees of degrees, which are exalted above one another. Each one of those who give glory has his place and his exaltation and his dwelling and his rest, which consists of the glory which he brings forth.”

The Aeons agreed on everything and they cooperated together to bring about a single dream of Paradise. You could note one difference between the ALL and the Fullness is that, while the ALL sings their songs in blissful unison, the Fullness sings their songs in perfectly tuned, multi-toned harmony.

In addition to their identities, the Aeons of the Fullness were all given wisdom, which is the ability to reason with logic and prudence. They were given a thirst to seek after the originating consciousness of their Creator and a desire to align themselves with the Father’s Will through the process of giving glory. And they were all creative geniuses, able to dream up a fully functioning mental Paradise where whatever they willed in the Father’s name happily happened. This dream of Paradise is our foretaste of heaven, shared by cultures around the world.

The Aeons mingle and combine with one another to give Glory to Father. All possible combinations of Aeons are needed in order to express the complexity of the otherwise ineffable Father. Each and every Aeon combined and recombined, and the glory they gave the Father was returned to them as additional Aeons, earning their designation as the Fullness of God. The final Aeon was named Logos, and he contained fractal copies of all the other Aeons.The hierarchy of the Fullness of God sits as One and dreams of Paradise. The Aeon known as Logos was the last Aeon to be generated by the Aeons giving glory to the Father. Logos topped the Hierarchy of the Fullness as a perfect fractal copy of all the other Aeons.