Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Third Order Powers–the Army of Christ

June 18, 2022

This episode continues our deep dive into the Who, How, What, When, Where, and Why of the Third Order of Powers, as written in the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi, and explained in the simplest possible way by Dr. Cyd Ropp.

“The order which was his came into being from him who ran on high and that which brought itself forth from him and from the entire perfection. The one who ran on high became for the one who was defective an intercessor with the emanation of the aeons which had come into being in accord with the things which exist. When he prayed to them, they consented joyously and willingly, since they were in agreement, and with harmonious consent, to aid the defective one. They gathered together, asking the Father with beneficent intent that there be aid from above, from the Father, for his glory, since the defective one could not become perfect in any other way, unless it was the will of the Pleroma of the Father, which he had drawn to himself, revealed, and given to the defective one. Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Totalities, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus, it was willingly and gladly that they bring forth the fruit” (The Tripartite Tractate).

The Totalities of the Pleroma of the Father, otherwise known as The ALL.
The Aeons of the Hierarchy of the Fullness of God are the emanations of the ALL and rooted in a different place than the ALL. Logos, the last Aeon produced by the ALL, sits atop the Fullness–a perfect replica of the Fullnesses in fractal form.
This diagram shows where we Second Order Powers stand in the Final Economy. The Third Order Powers are rooted above the Fullness, forming the Pleroma of the Christ.

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