Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

The Birth and Nature of Logos

May 29, 2022

This episode is part one of a two-parter that answers a listener’s question concerning consciousness. She asked why it was necessary to populate this Fallen material world. Why not just abandon the Demiurge down here? Why send the Second Order of Powers into this rocky place on a mission of redemption? Why couldn’t we just stay up above in our ethereal Paradise?

Answering this question requires an in-depth explanation of the origin and nature of aeons. Cyd examines aeonic life as depicted by the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Then we look at one aeon in particular, Logos, as we consider why it reached for the Father and Fell.

Next week’s episode will continue this train of thought with more of the Tripartite Tractate, as we wend our way to why we wound up here on Earth.

The ALL emerges from the Son like rays from a star.
The aeons of the All name themselves and sort themselves into a hierarchy.

The final aeon to be produced was named Logos, and it held fractals of the entirety.

The Pleroma of the Fullness dreams as One of Paradise.
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