Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Easter Message, 2022

April 17, 2022

Today I’d like to share with you my version of a Gnostic Easter message. As you know from previous episodes, Valentinian Gnosticism is a Christian form. That is because we believe that there is a Redeemer, an Anointed One. In English, this is called the Christ. The Christ is a very special fruit of the Father, the Son, and the Fullness of God that has been sent to our dimension to remind and to save us;  to bring us home again.

The good news in Gnosticism is that no one will be condemned in the very end of time; everyone will be redeemed, including the demiurge. So why would we even think about Christ before the end of time? What do you care, if you are resistant to the notion of “being a Christian”? Why would you want to believe in the Christ at all, if you are completely resistant to that notion?

If so, you’re really caught in a hard place here if you are interested in Gnosticism and you consider yourself to be a seeker of truth. Because, in my way of thinking, and in the way of thinking presented by the Nag Hammadi, especially the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi, there is no other conclusion to come to other than that we come from the Father and to the Father we will return. We are the fruit of the Pleroma and to the Pleroma we will return. And this physical existence that we are caught in now, this is the fallen world according to Gnosticism. This is not Paradise. And the reason we need the Christ is to help us realize Paradise again.

It’s not so that we may be saved, because everyone is going to be saved. It says in the Nag Hammadi that ”everything that was from the beginning” will return to the Pleroma. So that is our eternal souls, our eternal drop of the essence of God. The One Self that I speak of is how I identify it. That will certainly return to the Pleroma because it is of the Pleroma. And all of us, all living creatures, everything that contains life, contains the spirit of God because it is the Holy Spirit that breathes life into otherwise inert mineral existence. So, all forms of life will return to the Pleroma as well. The trees, the flowers, the cats, the dogs, humans, even bacteria. They’re all going back.

So, what what’s not from the beginning? What will be left behind?

That is the material universe because the material of this 3D universe that we live in, this was not from the beginning. Meaning the material of our universe–the particles in the atoms, the molecules, the elements, the aggregations of minerals, the rocky hard planets–these are the products of the Fall. These are what are called “the deficiency” and “the imitation”.

Then, what is this material? It is an imitation of the Hierarchy of God. It is an imitation of the Fullness of God, the Pleroma. It is not the actual Fullness of God, because that doesn’t exist down here in this 3D material universe; the actual Pleroma of God exists above. Onward and upward.

So, when our souls exit this material plane of existence, they rise, and if we are not coming back again, if we are not being reincarnated back into this earth, we will stay up in the Pleroma in the special area that has been built for us Second Order Powers. And that is the place that we call Paradise. That is the place that we remember as Paradise. We all have an inherent remembrance of the Fullness of God, of the Son, of the Father, and of Paradise, because this is where we come from.

The Christ has never fallen. The Christ didn’t fall. The Christ was a new fruit that came after the Second Order of Powers. The Christ came down voluntarily in order to save creation and return the entirety back up to the Fullness of God.

And the Christ’s mission doesn’t depend upon us. We are not in control of salvation. I consider that to be a major error of Christianity. You don’t need to pray the sinner’s prayer in order to be saved, but you do need to pray the sinner’s prayer if you want to live a glorious, less stressful, more loving life. Because when we do pray what’s called “the sinner’s prayer” in Christianity, that is acknowledging the kingship of the Christ even over this material plane. Then we take into our bodies, and we take into our souls, the Anointed One, the Christ, and it redeems our fallenness. Not so that we’ll eventually go to heaven because that is assured. Christ took care of that for us. But as we dwell here in this fallen world, we partake of many mistakes and many errors. Tons of times we are not loving. Tons at times we are not patient and kind. Tons of times we prefer to dwell on the left side rather than on the right side. The purpose of taking the Christ into your soul is to put this overlay, this correcting algorithm onto your broken code, and this then erases and wipes out the pain and the error that you have taken onto yourself since you’ve been living down here below.

Now let me pop over to the New Testament here for a moment and read you something from Chapter 11 of Romans.

“So then in the present time, a remnant has arisen according to the election of grace, and if by grace then no longer from observances, since grace were then no longer grace, and if from observances it is no longer grace.” Paul goes on to say, “What, then, the mark Israel aims at, this it did not hit. But election did hit and the rest were hardened. As has been written, God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that do not see, and ears that do not hear. Right up to the present day.” [Romans 11]

And it really does feel like that, doesn’t it? Particularly people who claim to be spiritual, who claim to be religious, yet do not know the Father and do not accept the grace of the Anointed One.

There’s no way that you can love the Father and reject the Christ. Now, you may have some question as to whether Jesus of Nazareth was that Christ. Jesus is a particular instantiation of the Christ. I happen to believe in Jesus because I’ve been walking with Jesus for over 60 years, so I know the guy. I am acquainted with Him. However, you can skip over all those arguments about whether or not Jesus was an actual historical character, whether he really was walking in Israel the way the Bible says and blah blah blah. If you are resistant to all of that notion, you can still love the Father. You can still believe in the Son. You can still conceive of and embrace the Pleroma of the Fullness of God.

You can still believe that we are the fruit of the Pleroma, and you can still accept the anointing of the Christ, because remember, according to the Tripartite Tractate, “everyone needs salvation except for One.” And that is the Anointed One, and it is the Anointed One that brings us salvation from the travails of this material world.

So I’m not even trying to preach the Christ to get you to heaven because I think everyone is going to heaven, but I do like to preach the Christ to give peace because it is the Christ that saves us from sorrow. And when you’re looking around and you’re at your deep despair, you can see everything is going to hell around you, isn’t it? This world is falling apart. You’re seeking for an answer. You are seeking for salvation, and it is the Anointed One that brings that salvation. And I think if you would surrender to the notion of the Christ as being that special fruit sent down from the Pleroma to save all of us Second Order Powers so that we can all roll back up and go be released to Paradise, then you’ll be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

There’s no reason to be downtrodden. Claim your victory. Remember he who is within us is more powerful than he who is within the world. So just between you and the Father above, how about you turn to the Father now? And you think on these things. And see for yourself.

It won’t do you any harm at all to believe in the Savior. So onward and upward, and God bless. And Happy Easter, for he is risen and that gives us all the promise of resurrection.

This diagram shows where we stand in the Final Economy