Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

March 24, 2022

The Demiurge controls our material universe with strings of power, like a puppet master. There is no free will in the material controlled by the Demiurge. Free will is an attribute of the Father’s consciousness flowing down through living creatures from Above. This episode clearly explains the difference between the way the Demiurge controls matter versus how the Fullness of God creates cooperation for the betterment of all.

The Demiurge is the Creator of this material world. But it cannot bring life.
The Demiurge brings order to the initial chaos of the Fall. It causes matter to “level up” using an imitation of the Simple Golden Rule of cooperation, but instead of cooperation it uses brute force.
All living creatures are imbued with life and consciousness from the Top down. Consciousness and hierarchical design flows down from the Fullness of God, and all living pieces of our universe utilize the Simple Golden Rule to hold hands with others of their kind to build the next level up. “The higher the fewer” is the result.

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