Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Mud Up, Spirit Down

December 19, 2021

This episode shares a couple of basic concepts from Cyd’s theory of everything called “A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything.” The idea that kicked it all off was a phrase that came to me: “Mud Up, Spirit Down.” What does that have to do with toruses? Or fruit salads? How on earth does any of this tie in to Gnostic studies and the Nag Hammadi? And why should we care?

In this epidode I made the promise to post a diagram or two to this column, so you can visualize what I’m talking about. Listen to the episode and you will understand how these diagrams tie in to the discussion.

Our universe consists of a repeating pattern of units of consciousness reaching out and holding hands according to Simple Golden Rule, sharing information, assistance, and love/coherence. This hierarchical arrangement mirrors the Pleroma.
This is my diagram of the gnostic cosmos roll-out, with the Son at the top, the Elect and the Pleroma under the Son, and the Second Order of Powers of this universe in the green below. The blue at the bottom represents the matter that did not exist from the beginning–known as the Deficiency in Gnosticism.

Horton Hears a Who