Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

The Anti-Christ

November 14, 2021

What is the anti-Christ? By definition, the anti-Christ would be the opposite of the Christ. So, before we can understand the anti-Christ, it would be helpful to understand what we can about the Christ. The Christ, according to the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scriptures, is composed of the Aeons of the Fullness, both in their aggregated entirety known as the Pleroma, along with their personal, individual forms as the infinity of variations of the Son, also known as the Fullnesses. And, the Christ is powered by the full force of the Holy Spirit.

In a previous article posted to my New Gnostic Gospel blog on November 2 of 2020, I describe the Christ this way:

In order to restore memory, reason, and redemption to the Second Order Powers, the Aeons of the Fullness, every one of them individually and all of them collectively, gave glory in unison to their Father while praying for a helper to bring peace to the Deficiency and forgiveness to Logos. Out of their focused prayer, a unique fruit emerged, one that contained all of the capabilities and powers of the Fullness along with all of the love and eternal qualities of the Father.

The singular Fruit of the Fullness and the Father is known by various names—the Christ, the Savior and the Redeemer, the Advocate, the Light, the Beloved.

In Simple Explanation terms, the Christ is a perfect and full fractal of the Father and the Son, all rolled up into One perfect form. If you do not know what a fractal is, visit my Simple Explanation blog where you can learn all about fractals. I suspect my blog has been ghosted by google, because when I look for it on the web, many of my article titles pop up without taking you to my site; worse yet, they direct you to bogus sites that want you to allow cookies in order to read my articles. So, to get to my blog, search for "A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything" by Cyd Ropp. Hopefully that will get you there.

Now, back to today's discussion.

Here is how the Tripartite Tractate describes the Christ:

“They gathered together, asking the Father with beneficent intent that there be aid from above, from the Father, for his glory since the defective one could not become perfect in any other way, unless it was the will of the Pleroma of the Father, which he had drawn to himself, revealed, and given to the defective one." [the defective one is the Demiurge that arose from the Fallen Aeon known as Logos; beneficent means helpful]

"Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Fullnesses, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the Aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus it was willingly and gladly that they brought forth the fruit.

“And he made manifest the agreement of the revelation of his union with them—which was his beloved Son. But the Son in whom the Fullnesses are pleased put himself on them as a garment, through which he gave perfection to the defective one, and gave confirmation to those who are perfect, the one who is properly called ‘Savior’ and ‘the Redeemer’ and ‘the Well-Pleasing One’ and ‘the Beloved,’ ‘the One to whom prayers have been offered’ and ‘the Christ’ and ‘the Light of those appointed,’ in accordance with the ones from whom he was brought forth, since he has become the names of the positions which were given to him. Yet, what other name may be applied to him except ‘the Son,’ as we previously said, since he is the knowledge of the Father,