Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Ego’s Shroud

November 05, 2021

The Simple Explanation diagrams ourselves as a torus shape, with the portal to the inflowing consciousness coming from the zero point field at the middle of the donut. The unit of consciousness also floats in the metaversal sea, so our consciousness comes into ourselves both from the middle and envelops us from the outside.

I have lately been pondering the nature and location of what we call our Ego. Ego is different than Self. Self is the perfect One Self that we all share. Self is a fractal of the Fullness of God, reflecting the entirety of the Son's consciousness. Yet we are all different, so the differences amongst all of us Second Order Powers who live here in this manifested universe must lie in the differences of our Egos. The Simple Explanation has long proposed that we are different because of the shroud that drapes over the outside of our donut shapes. This shroud carries the memes that have attached to ourselves by way of karma and learning. It is the Egoic shroud that interfaces with the world and with our neighbors. The shroud sits on the outside of our unit of consciousness, the way our skin sits on the outside of our bodies.

The Ego shroud is not necessarily a product of the Fall. It is said that the Aeons of the Fullness of God sit an a hierarchy that includes names, positions, and places. Therefore we can infer that the Aeons know of their differences, which gives them each a unique point of view. The uniqueness of each Aeon is a recognizable trait that differentiates them from their neighbors. It may be the case that this uniqueness is the origin of Ego that makes each Aeon different from the next. However, within the body of the Fullness, these differences do not cause divisions and disruptions, because the Fullness sits as One within the unified consciousness of the Son.

The Aeons of the Fullness of God sit in a fully cooperative hierarchy that reflects their position, place, name, and power.

If you picture a donut shape suspended in a medium made of pure consciousness, the Father in Gnostic terms or the Metaverse in Simple Explanation terms, then the only thing that separates us from that pure consciousness is the Egoic shroud that surrounds our unit of consciousness on the outside. Even then, within that skin our personal unit of consciousness is not identical to the Father's consciousness because, like the Son, it is circumscribed by the shape of the torus. The Son contains the Father's consciousness in a contained yet limitless form. Outside of our manifested universe there is no space or time, so even though the Son's consciousness has differentiated from the Father's, it is truly infinite.

The Ego sits on the skin of our unit of consciousness, learning and interacting with those around us. The Ego protects us from the world. The Ego collects our experiences and memes and holds them on its surface. From the outside, it looks to our neighbors as though we are only our Ego because the Ego is opaque, and it hides our internal, eternal spirit.

This realization is reflected in common expressions. We intuitively recognize that people who are unaware of their spiritual dimension are considered "superficial." We know when we come across people whose only interest is in their acquired possessions and accomplishments and learned beliefs—we suspect they are all about surface appearances. We can tell that our interactions with them are only "skin deep."  We suspect their minds are easily influenced because their thoughts are collec...