Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Defeating the Elementals and Archons

October 11, 2024

Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. Last week I shared for you the first verse of the Letter to the Colossians, out of David Bentley Hart’s translation of the New Testament, which I highly recommend. Hart translated directly from the original Greek manuscripts, rather than deriving his translation the way most Bibles have been translated, which is from the Latin Vulgate and on into King James, and out that way—they just keep massaging the Latin. But Hart went back to the original Greek for the actual meaning of the words and the phrases.

And last week we talked about the fractals of Colossians, because when it speaks of the fullness of God, which it does often in the Book of Colossians, these are nested fractals. We are tucked up, we are nested upward in a pyramidal type of sense into the Aeons of the Fullness of God. We are their fruit, we are derived from them, so our consciousness flows downward out of the Fullness of God. And the Fullness of God is sitting there with what is called the Son of God, which is the only emanation from the original ground state of consciousness, the original state of the Father, the big G, the God Above All Gods. He emanated only one emanation, and that’s called the Son. And it encapsulates everything that the Father stands for and is, but in this monad, a singularity type of form. I think of the Son as this big, like, a big round gaseous ball. That’s the way I picture it in my mind. And then as soon as the Son was emanated, He also had his own emanations, because He is the exact spirit of the Father. And so as the Father created the Son, the Son created the Fullnesses, the Totalities, the Aeons of God.

We 2nd order powers are caught in a never ending war with the deficiency and each other

I’m going to pick up in chapter 2 here of the letter to the Colossians, and he says,

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for your sake, and for those in Laodicea, for so many who have not seen my face in the flesh, so that their hearts, being joined together in love, might be encouraged on toward all the riches of full certainty in understanding, for full knowledge of the mystery of God, of the Anointed, in whom are all the hidden treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.

He’s talking about gnosis when he speaks of full certainty and understanding, full knowledge of the mystery, the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. That is the gnosis that Gnostics are mining. And I think that we here at Gnostic Insights are on the right track, and I thank you for joining me.

A lot of people who call themselves Gnostics and are out there exploring various Gnostic sites and scriptures and doctrines, these are, in my opinion, rabbit trails that don’t necessarily lead to true knowledge, true wisdom, true Fullness and certainty in the knowledge of God. It’s just one more thing, one more thing, one more thing. Got to find this, got to listen to that speaker, got to do this, got to do that.

There is really only one gnosis. It’s a very simple gnosis, and it is this: that we come from the Father. That’s all there is to it.

We second-order powers that live down here on the planet Earth and probably populate the entire cosmos, because that’s how it’s usually referred to in the New Testament as the cosmos, or the universe, we would call it, not just Earth, so this would cover the ETs as well. That we second-order powers—everything that has life. So that would be everything from the cells on up, from the bacteria on up through the plants and the birds and the mammals, including us.

It would not, by the way, include viruses, because viruses are not alive. Did you realize that? Viruses are called molecules. They are very clever molecules that have one job and one job only, and that is to conquer and kill and steal. That’s what they do to the cell. They conquer it, they invade it, they take its RNA, DNA out, and then spread it around to more cells so that they also will die and be conquered. That’s the job of a virus, which is demiurgic. It comes from the molecular level, and the demiurge only controls the molecules and the elements, the elementals of this cosmos. That’s what is meant by the elementals of this cosmos.

viruses are not “alive.” they are complex molecules
on a deadly mission. they are demirugic.

We are different than the viruses. We are not a virus upon the face of the Earth. We second-order powers are the extension of the Fullness of God. We carry the consciousness, the light, the life, and the love of the Father and the Son down into this, what would otherwise be completely dead, material world. So yes, the rocks, stones, the crystals, the clouds, and the rain, they are lovely to behold, but they’re not to be worshipped because they are part of the realm of the demiurge. And the demiurge made these things out of his memory of paradise. We also have that memory of paradise because that’s where we all come from.

Paradise is where the Aeons live. Paradise is their dream, and we are part of that. We come from there, so we remember it. Every human, every plant and animal, every cell in our body knows the Fullness of God because we all come from the Fullness of God.

The Aeons of the Fullness dream as one of Paradise.

The rocks and stones, the elements, the elementals, the powers of this cosmos derive from the demiurge. And he, of course, did come from the Fullness, but he, “fell” and got stuck down here and has amnesia. He doesn’t remember that he comes from the Fullness of God. He’s got all these wonderful plans and all the blueprints for paradise, but he thinks he made them up. He thinks he cooked them up. He doesn’t remember that he fell from above. That’s why he thinks he is God. He woke up, hey, where am I? Who am I? I must be God. Let me create the cosmos, and I will be the God of that cosmos. That’s the mind of the demiurge.

As long as we dwell in the cosmos, we are bonded to the elements of the demiurge because our physical flesh is made of molecules and elements. But we bring the life of the Fullness into that physical flesh, and so we are bonded to the material. That is the root of our struggles, the never-ending war against death. Because death is on the side of the demiurge, life is on the side of the Fullness.

That’s all we really need to know. We come from the Fullness above. You don’t even have to know what I just told you.

I think that everything on the planet that is alive inherently knows it because we have the Fullness, the patterning within us, and we know we didn’t fall. We were birthed down here. So we are not fallen with amnesia the way the demiurge is. He thinks he’s the end-all and the be-all. We tend to forget it, being trapped down here in this world while we’re living this mortal life. And then we struggle against each other. We struggle against the elements. We struggle against the demiurge and the archons, the powers of this cosmos. And we are caught in this never-ending war, and then we die.

And it seems like it’s all so helpless and hopeless, unless you flip the switch. And that was the job of the Anointed, the Anointed’s job. And Anointed is the actual word for Christ. We say the Christ, which has become like a title, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the King. But he’s actually Jesus the Anointed, or simply the Anointed one, meaning He who carries down from the Fullness all that we need to know. He’s the superpower that re-inhabits us and reminds us of the Fullness of God and the Father, the ground state of consciousness.

Materialism tries to teach us that we are a byproduct of the material, but we are not a byproduct of the material. No matter how many molecules you throw out there, unlike what science tries to sell you, these molecules and elements and minerals cannot randomly assemble themselves into life. They don’t do it. And even when scientists jam them all together in an attempt to grow what they call organoids, for example, grow a fake heart from scratch up, they can’t do it. The heart won’t act like a heart unless they, like viruses, steal the life of a beating heart and put it into that organoid. And that is what causes it to beat and to know that it’s a heart. But they can’t keep them alive because they will not level up.

lab-grown neuro-musculature organoid

lab-grown neuro-muscular organoid

And so back to the letter to Colossians, we’re in chapter 2 here. He says,

I say this so that no one may beguile you with plausible talk.

And another word for beguile is enchant or delude. And I want to tell you that the internet is full of beguiling talk. And most often, unless it includes a true gnosis of the Father and the Son and the Anointed, it is nothing but beguiling talk. And it is the type of talk that can lead us astray because it doesn’t lead back to the Fullness. If it leads up to the Fullness, you’re on track. If it leads to some cult or some leader or some technology, then it’s not.

Paul goes on to say in verse 8 of chapter 2,

Watch that there be no one who robs you by way of philosophy and empty deceit according to the traditions of human beings, according to the elementals of the cosmos, and not according to the Anointed.

You see, that’s what I was just saying. And the sad and frustrating thing is that, for example, I am often accused of beguiling by way of philosophy and empty deceit. But this is not philosophy and empty deceit. This is actually the gospel as preached by Jesus. And it was stripped out of the Bible so that this worldly church could have control over the minds of the followers and the beliefs of the followers. But that was never the plan.

The Anointed comes to each and every person individually. Gnosis is an individual pursuit, and it’s inward and upward. It’s not out in the world—who do I have to listen to?  what do I have to read? Because if you keep anchoring to the thought that even the grass and the trees are going to heaven, even your dog and your cat are going to heaven, what do they have to know? What rites do they need to perform? What books do they read? They don’t. They just know that they came from above, and they’ll go home to the above when they wither away. We’re fearful of that, but we don’t just wither away. We go home. This is a temporary sojourn, being wedded to this material world. We are in the world, but not of the world.

That’s what it means. Verse 9 says,

Because in him, (that’s the Anointed), dwells all the Fullness of deity bodily. And you are those who have been made full in him, who is the head of every rule and power.

So again, that’s that nested fractals notion. When we invite the Christ or the Anointed to bring us the correcting and the memory of the origin, because we’re stumbling around, lost in the cosmos, then we nest back up into the Anointed. We’re riding along with him, like the way Superman flew through the air with Lois Lane tucked under his arm. That Superman is our Anointed, and we believers, we’re like Lois Lane flying through the sky with Superman.

Quoting again, verse 10,

And you are those who have been made full in him, who is the head of every rule and power, in whom also you were circumcised with a circumcision not accomplished by hand, through the shedding of the body of the flesh, through the circumcision of the Anointed, buried with him in baptism, by which you were also raised along with him, by the faithfulness of the operation of the God who raised him from the dead.

So circumcision is a rite that was given by the Demiurge to the Hebrews to mark them as a special people apart from everyone else, because they were willing to have their foreskins cut off of their male appendages. But it’s a fractal. The actual circumcision is severing the ties we have to the material world. It’s cutting off the foreskins, so to speak, of the rule of the orders and the elementals over our souls, because we are otherwise stuck to them here in this bodily form. So the circumcision is not material. It’s actually spiritual. It merely means severing or cutting off the tie that binds you to the cosmos, so that you are free to look upward rather than downward. You’re free to look forward rather than backward. This is what onward and upward means. Circumcise.

Verse 12 says,

buried with him in baptism, by which you were also raised along with him, by the faithfulness of the operation of the big G God, (that’s the God Above All Gods), who raised him from the dead. And while you were dead in trespasses and in your foreskin of flesh, (which is your whole body of course), he gave you life along with him, forgiving all trespasses, expunging what is written by hand against us, contrary to us, in ordinances, and has removed it out of the way, nailing it to the cross, stripping the archons and powers, (and that again, that’s the henchmen of the demiurge), he exposed them in the open, leading them prisoner along with him in a triumphal procession. Therefore let no one judge you for eating and drinking or for taking part in a festival or in a new moon celebration or in sabbaths. These are shadows of things to come, but the solid body thereof is that of the Anointed.

So what was happening back in those days was that the Jews who had been converted to Christ were still laboring under the laws of the demiurge, that is the Old Testament laws. There is a Christian denomination called Jehovah’s Witness, and they also labor under that same set of Old Testament rules. The Seventh-day Adventists also labor under that set of Old Testament rules, and here Paul is saying those are a shadow of things to come, but you are not to be bound by those rules anymore because you’ve been liberated by the Anointed.

Now, from me to you, let me tell you right here, instead of waiting till we get to such a verse, that doesn’t mean, as some sects, some cults think, that means “anything goes.” Oh, I’m liberated by the Christ, therefore, oh, let’s have an orgy. Let’s all drop some ecstasy and have an orgy because we can do anything we want because we’ve been liberated by Christ. That’s the wrong attitude, folks. The attitude for liberation through Christ is to go onward and upward, not backward and down, and indulging in hedonism and sexual promiscuity is not the path onward and upward, it’s the path backward and down, and I’m pretty sure you know this because your conscience tells you so.

There will be a time of mingling. There will be a time that may sort of resemble something like an orgy, but it doesn’t happen down here in the cosmos. The Aeons of the Fullness, that’s the way they give birth to us. We’re probably remembering something of that glory above. The Aeons are immaterial, so any number of their spirits can mingle with any number of their spirits, and they make these kind of logarithmic minglings of an infinite variety, which gives birth to their children. We can’t do that down here. It doesn’t work. We have to be patient. We have to wait until we return to the Fullness of God.

Verse 18, Colossians says,

Let no verdict be passed against you by anyone affecting humility and a religion of the angels, venturing upon visions he has never had, blustering aimlessly by the mind of his flesh, not holding to the head from whom all the body, furnished and knitted together by its joints and ligatures, will grow with a growth from Big G God, (the God Above All Gods).

This blustering aimlessly by the mind of his flesh–that’s part of the Simple Explanation. Our flesh has a mind of its own. Each of our organs has a mind of their own. We are aggregating upward at the cellular living level. You know, we start from a stem cell, and then we keep differentiating, growing, branching out to wind up to be this organism that we are, whatever organism that may be, whatever living creature that may be. And each part of that growing upward is also alive and remembers the Fullness. That’s where the intelligent design comes into it. They know what they’re growing into because it came from the stem cell on up. The stem cell was a little miniature replica of the Fullness of God itself, so it knows everything. It knows how to grow the organism up that it needs to be, that it needs to become, in conjunction with the spirit that infuses it at conception.

Because the spirit, that spark of life, brings the consciousness of the Father into the material that builds up into us. So part of the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything is that our subsystems, our little cells and parts of ourselves, our organs, our organ systems, they all have a mind of their own. Your stomach tells you when to eat. Your sexual organs tell you to have sex. Your skin says, I’m cold or I’m hot. Cover up or take off some clothes. Your lungs say, give me a smoke. That is what is meant by blustering aimlessly by the mind of his flesh when people do not put their own overriding governing unit of consciousness at the top of the pile. You are supposed to have control over your body. And it needs you. I always say it’s the Raja sitting atop the elephant, right? Your body needs you, needs its controlling unit of consciousness, which is the most developed part of its galaxy of consciousness that is your body. You need to be aware of what’s going on. You need to be a wise and loving ruler to this galaxy that makes up your body.

If you don’t, the body takes control. And that’s how the lusts of the flesh take over. And people feel that they’re out of control because they are, because they’ve never exercised control over their body. But you don’t do it by willpower because willpower can fade. You have to do it by going upward and asking for the power of the Anointed to give you the power to control. So if an addict is withdrawing from a drug, they may feel helpless and hopeless. But if they turn to their higher power, if they remember that they come from above, that’s when they have the power to put it down. So not blustering aimlessly by the mind of his flesh, but rather holding onto the head from whom all the body, furnished and knitted together by its joints and ligatures, will grow with a growth from the God Above All Gods. That’s what it’s saying.

And we’ll finish up with this ending of chapter two, and then we’ll go into chapter three, which I promised you last week that we’d get to some practical advice about how to live that will help you walk with the Anointed, with the Fullness of God, and not fall back into the archons and the powers of the elementals. But finishing up with chapter two here, verse 20.

If with the Anointed you died away from the elementals of the cosmos, why are you submissive to ordinances as though living in the cosmos? Do not handle or taste or touch things that are all reduced to decay in being used up according to the injunctions and teachings of human beings, which things indeed, though having a reputation as wisdom on account of affected religion and mental lowliness and lavish neglect of the body, are of no real value against indulgence of the flesh.

So that means being unkind to your body is not going to help you take dominion over it. That means attending a church with an affected religion that doesn’t even remember the Fullness of God or the Father or the Son, but pays lip service to it, isn’t going to help you either. That keeps you bound to the law.

And this bit about mental lowliness, I take that to mean thinking that this kind of talk that we’re doing, this gnosis that we are mining, is somehow unholy, is somehow made up, and a philosophy of man, just another philosophy of man. Well, in my discernment, in my soul, I can feel the difference, and I’m wondering if you can.

Say, I’d love to hear some of your comments. If you’ve been following Gnostic Insights for any period of time, or if you’ve had any deep insights that have liberated you in any sense because of this particular ministry, I would sure like to know that. Would you drop me a line in comments or send me an email? Let me know if I can share your story with other people that are listening. I’d like to build some sort of a community here, not around me or around the podcast or my books, but a community of truth in the gnosis of the Anointed.

And if you’re brand new to Gnostic Insights and you’re…  okay, now we’re back in the 21st century… If you’re new to this podcast, it is different than the Gnosticism presented elsewhere. If you would like to know what the heck I’m talking about, please go to now and buy the book that is called A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, and that will lay it all out absolutely clearly, without possibility of misunderstanding.

And if that turns out to be too complex, because it is theology, the book that preceded it, called The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, is very short, profusely illustrated, very simple, no explanations at all, just the Gnostic Gospel.

God bless us all, onward and upward. See you next week.

This book puts all of this gnosis together in a simplified form. Gnosis is as easy as you want it to be, or as complicated as you desire. This Simple Explanation will guide you through the often confusing terms and turns of gnostic thought and theology. The glossary alone is worth having on your bookshelf. Now available in paperback, hardback, and ebook/kindle. Soon to be released as an audio book.