Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated

February 17, 2024

Here’s a treat for you. This is the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated book read by the author, Cyd Ropp. This is the little book published in 2019 that was the springboard for all of the gnostic work that followed, including this podcast and the new, much longer, book that is about to be released.

This is the simplest presentation of gnosis that you will ever find. Only the essential gnosis was included. It is all based upon the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi texts. The gnosis you will find here is the type of gnosis that proceeds from an initial thought–the first thought of the Originating Source. That thought then flows outward and through a few levels downward until it manifests within all of us living creatures here in the cosmos. There are no fables in this gnosis–only the reasonable outflow of the path of consciousness. This is the story of consciousness.

I’m taking all of the illustrations out of The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated and putting them in order as the transcript to go along with this episode. I’m not reprinting the text. For that, you should buy the book, but you can follow along with the illustrations. And, as I’m putting together these illustrations in order of their appearance, I’m discovering that this episode transcript with the illustrations and the captions of each illustration turns out to be the very, very simplest presentation of this gnosis of The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated. It’s even simpler than the very simple book that you’re going to listen to now as the audio, because it’s just the illustrations and just the captions. So, if you find the words confusing, look at the pictures. They ought to resonate with you; you ought to be able to recognize their meaning.

And remember, I’m not teaching this to you. I’m hoping to stimulate your own remembrance that you were born with. The reason I emphasize simplicity is that I like to imagine how it is that the Father can transmit information to us down here. How does this information actually come to us? The Father wants to be known and this is the information that he wants to be known. It’s like if you were trying to explain something to a leaf or to a worm. What is it you can tell them that they’re going to understand? This is why the information is very simple. It doesn’t have a lot of details. It’s a very simple transmission, directly, of consciousness. And that’s why it is so pared down from the information that you can generally find out there that passes for what they’re calling gnosis. Because remember, every living thing in the cosmos remembers the Father and the Son; remembers the Origin and the Fullness. So, the information has to be simple enough that any creature, any plant, any insect, any little squirrel can realize it. We are all second order powers. Onward and upward! And, enjoy the episode.

I am not going to reprint the text of the book here. For that, please purchase the book:

You may purchase the original Gnostic Gospel Illuminated at

Here are my illustrations of the concepts presented in this book. These will illuminate the meaning of the text.

the Son resembles a hazy fog emerging from the background consciousness of the Father

The Son is the first and only emanation of the Father. It is a monad. It is called the First Glory.

The moment the Son was formed, the ALL emerged. The ALL wears the Son like a garment, and the Son wears the ALL. They are co-existent. The ALL is the Second Glory.
The Aeons of the ALL awakened to themselves in fulfillment of the Father’s desire for innumerable points of view.
The awakened Aeons sorted themselves into a cooperative colony of names, stations, ranks, duties, and locations. The Aeons of the Fullness provide the Master Pattern of our inherited consciousness.
The Aeons of the Fullness dream as one of Paradise.
Logos crowns the FullnessLogos crowned the top of the Fullness.
The pyramid atop the FullnessLogos mistakes himself for the Fullness.
Logos stumbles and Falls while reaching for Glory.
The small fractals that once formed the pleroma of Logos lost themselves during the Fall and rolled out into chaos.
A boundary encircles the DeficiencyThe Father and the Fullness were repelled by the Fallen, and a Boundary was formed to rein in the Deficiency.
The values of the Demiurge lead to isolation and despair. The values of the Fullness lead to peace and joy.
The hierarchy is once again topped by Logos, and together they dream of 2nd Order PowersThe restored pleroma of Logos and the Hierarchy of the Fullness conceive a new fruit called 2nd Order Powers. The Fullness is the 1st Order of Powers.
The small chaotic shadows of the Fall are contrasted with the life of the Second Order Powers.The shadows of the deficiency that emerged from the Fall are small, dead, and ignorant of what came before. The Second Order Powers are emanations of the restored Logos, fitted into the Boundary. They come one by one to populate the cosmos with life.
the upward yang side represents the living 2nd Order Powers, the descending Yin side represents the shadows of the deficiencyWe Second Order Powers continually battle the archons of the Fall. We are a mixed creation of life from above and death from below.
We 2nd Order Powers are poised within the economy

We Second Order Powers find ourselves locked into an endless war with the Deficiency.

Gnosis is for those with eyes to see. Simply remember the Father and gnosis will follow.
The Christ comes in a form that every Second Order Power can recognize. Those of the Remembrance were given chariots that could traverse all realms, great and small, establishing order.
The Third Order of Powers are the Pleroma of the Christ. While the Second Order Powers are caught up in endless war with the deficiency, the Third Order Powers bring redemption and remembrance to this economy.
Jesus the Christ bridges the Deficiency and brings redemption to all Second Order Powers.

The Final Economy will come after this cosmos passes away. The First Economy is the Fullness. The Second Economy is the fallen cosmos. The Third Economy is the redeemed result.

