Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights

Birth of the Demiurge

June 24, 2023

This episode looks at the origin of the Demiurge and our material universe. What is the Demiurge and how did it come about? What was the presumptuous thought that led the youngest Aeon to overreach and fall and how does that relate to Self and Ego? Why would the Father set things up so that this Aeon could make a unilateral decision that resulted in the Fall? Was it a mistake? Did God cause this Aeon to create evil? How is such a thing even possible? Was it God’s will that it should fall?

These are timeless questions. We take a deep dive into verses 75 through 78 of the Tripartite Tractate of the books of the Nag Hammadi in search of answers. This is gnosis presented clearly so you can understand.