Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

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Glide Brings Streaming Video Chat to CES
February 19, 2015

( messaging and similar chat-style applications have been around for decades. But these types of apps have their drawbacks. The biggest one being that they're not truly "real time

Monitor Tyre Pressures with FOBO Tire
February 19, 2015

( tyre pressure monitoring is a valuable safety tool, alerting the driver to a potential problem as soon as the pressure drops. Depending on the cost of the car, the alert can be a

Jigsie Is A Fun New Social Network At CES
February 19, 2015

( Living abroad, I'm always on the lookout for innovative new ways to communicate with friends and family back home, beyond your ordinary old social networks. Lately I've been

Massive Audio Dr Who Bluetooth Speakers
February 18, 2015

( Baker will always by my Doctor with his long scarf and robotic K-9 companion. I haven't really followed the recent successful re-invention of Dr Who but the Tardis and the D

Oomi Cube Smart Connected Home
February 18, 2015

( the current trend of connected homes and smart houses, Oomi ('s unique selling point is the user experience, claiming to be the easiest to setup and t

Element Case Turns Your iPhone Into A Pro Camera At CES
February 18, 2015

( There's no doubt that smartphone cameras have improved immensely in the past few years, but they still haven't reached the quality of a DSLR. Element Case is partnering with optics

A “Behind the Scenes” Look at CES 2015
February 17, 2015

( we think about events like CES 2015, what comes to mind first is the new products that will be featured. It is easy to overlook the fact that large event

Aspect Solar has Portable Power Solutions
February 17, 2015

( likes it when their smartphone or tablet runs out of power. This is especially true when you happen to be out somewhere and without the means to find an outlet to plug you

aiFi is a Stackable, Configurable Speaker System at CES
February 17, 2015

( the invention of portable media players and earbuds, music listening moved from an inherently social event to an isolated experience. The problem has only been exacerbated over time

Altec Lansing Brings new Waterproof Speakers to CES
February 17, 2015

( Electronics and water. Two things that just don't go well together. And while it's easy enough to keep your electronics dry at home, what about those times when you'd like to p