Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Glide Brings Streaming Video Chat to CES

February 19, 2015

Instant messaging and similar chat-style applications have been around for decades. But these types of apps have their drawbacks. The biggest one being that they’re not truly “real time.” One side of a conversation could post a message that hangs in the air for minutes, if not hours or days before receiving a response. Glide is a new app that changes how instant message works by employing synchronous streaming video that plays in real time.

Jamie sat down with Ari from Glide. Ari gave an impressive demonstration of Glide, showing how the app can stream video between two devices with almost no latency. Glide has been engineered from the ground up to skip all of the hassles that a lot of IM-style video clients create. Users don’t have to record, encode, upload and send. Everything happens in the moment. Also, Glide videos are stored in the cloud, so on-device storage space isn’t affected. Glide is a free app and it’s currently available for both iOS and Android devices.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the TechPodcast Network.

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