Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

A “Behind the Scenes” Look at CES 2015

February 17, 2015

Guardian Elite Medical Services logoWhen we think about events like CES 2015, what comes to mind first is the new products that will be featured. It is easy to overlook the fact that large events need to have a lot of “behind the scenes†work going on in order to make everything run smoothly.

Jamie spoke with his friend Sam Scheller who is a paramedic who owns an emergency medical services company called Guardian Elite Medical Services. Sam gives us a “behind the scenes†look at the infrastructure that supports CES 2015.

It is like an entire city has been stuffed into this space! To accommodate, they need to bring in extra security, EMS, and police to be able to handle the influx of people. Sam gives a glimpse into some of the most common medical problem that they see at CES. However, they are ready for anything that may happen from the simplest issue to the most serious ones. They do see a lot of chronic issues that can become problematic when people forget to bring their medications or forget to take them.

They also go over the “numbers†of how many first aid rooms they have at CES and what each has. Sam also shares how they determine the level of care a person requires and how they go about providing it.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the TechPodcast Network.

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