Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Ericsson Plans to Make the Cloud More Secure

February 13, 2015

Ericsson logoIt wasn’t that long ago that businesses, and individual people, starting using the cloud. There are those who love the convenience of it, and others who don’t really have a good understanding of how it works. The biggest concern involves security.

Nick spoke with Vance from Ericsson about the company’s plans to make a safer, more secure, cloud. Ericsson is looking towards the future and noting that in 2020 there will be 50 billion devices being connected. The company believes that a lot of that will exist over an industrialized cloud platform.

That platform needs to be highly programmable, highly accessible, highly governable, and controllable. Most of all, it absolutely has to be secure. Ericsson is putting a fundamental paradigm shift into how we think about security in the cloud. Today, the concept people use can be summarized as “build a bigger wall†around your data. If you create an app, for example, you have to spend time working on the security of it.

That is still important, but in addition, Ericsson wants the structure of the cloud itself to provide security. Ericsson is currently at the start of their journey towards that goal. They want to be able to validate for you the authenticity of the data you put into the cloud and to mathematically validate that it has not been breached. Or, if a breach occurs, they will go through a series of events to determine where the data was comprised, how it was compromised, and when the event occurred. All of this should bring peace of mind to people who use the cloud.

Interview by Nick of F5 Live for the TechPodcast Network.

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