Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Octa Presents Award-Winning Tablet Accessories at CES

February 01, 2015

Octa logoTablet computers have become such mainstays in our everyday lives that it’s nearly impossible to remember what life was like before them. And while tablets are often lightweight and easy to handle, sometimes it’s necessary to get them into more comfortable or convenient places. That’s where Octa and its full line of tablet accessories come in.

Todd and Nick were fortunate to get a hands-on demo from Prometheus of Octa. He showed off several of the company’s products, noting that they had won an award at this year’s CES. Octa has an impressive line of accessories for turning tablets into truly hands-free devices. Prices run from $79 and up.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Nick DiMeo of Plughitz Live for the TechPodcast Network.

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