Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

MakerBot Brings Robohand to CES

January 29, 2015

3-D printing has come a long way over the last year or so. But it’s still seen primarily as a curiosity by most people. Of course, those in the know have always realized 3-D printing’s true potential. And the great minds over at MakerBot had some fine examples of that potential at CES 2015.

Jamie caught up with Jen Howard, Director of Public Relations at MakerBot. Jen related the story of how two engineers on opposite ends of the planet worked together to fabricate a prosthetic “Robohand” for a man who had recently lost his hand in a work accident. Jen also showed off a 3-D printed skeleton that would go well in a classroom environment.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the TechPodcast Network.

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