Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Ford SYNC Integrates with Amazon Echo at CES - Geek News Central Special Media Feed

January 24, 2017

In our previous post, we touched briefly on the latest version of Ford SYNC, and how the platform will integrate with Amazon’s Echo (Alexa) service. In this video, Todd spoke with Jack from Ford who gave some more detailed information on how SYNC will be able to integrate with Echo:

* Voice recognition allows drivers to give hands-free voice commands using Alexa
* Drivers will be able to access third-party services and functions thru Amazon Echo that allow them to do things like turn on garage lights in connected homes
* Drivers will be able to use home or office-based Echo units to ask about the status of their SYNC-enabled cars to get information like battery charge rate, etc.
* Alexa integration will allow drivers to ask their cars where nearby stores, restaurants, and other locations are and seamlessly get directions to those locations that are then sent to the car’s built-in navigation system

Ford is planning on adding Alexa/Echo integration to Ford SYNC 3 in the summer of 2017.