Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Ford SYNC Brings Multiple Apps to the Dashboard at CES - Geek News Central Special Media Feed

January 24, 2017

It might seem surprising to find a car manufacturer like Ford at CES, as the convention is primarily focused on gadgets and consumer technology. But Ford has been present at CES for several years now, focusing on its Ford SYNC in-dash system. Todd met up with Stefan from Ford where Stefan showed off some of the latest developments in SYNC. Including:

* Integration with Amazon Echo (Alexa voice commands)
* Driver Score app calculates a score based on your driving behavior that could be used to negotiate coverage rates with insurance companies (SYNC only provides scores to vehicle drivers, it doesn’t report directly to outside parties)
* Speed Pass+ integration allows drivers to find nearby Speed Pass-enabled fueling stations where they can see which pumps are available and select and set up a pump before pulling into the station
* SYNC has a built-in mobile navigation app that integrates with third-party apps so drivers can select the navigation app(s) they prefer to use

Ford SYNC is currently available in many vehicles and will be added to more vehicles as the company continues to roll out and improve the platform.