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Geek News Central Special Media Feed

Diota Brings AR To Manufacturing at WTS - Geek News Central Special Media Feed

March 29, 2016

French startup Diota have been working since 2009 to bring augmented reality (AR) to industry and manufacturing. This isn't easy as the factory floor is no place for fancy headsets or delicate glasses. Andrew hears more from Sebastian, Diota's Head of R&D.

Diota have a range of AR products, but the one on show here uses a projective system to highlight work that needs done. Imagine that a fitter is working on the inside of an aircraft fuselage and that a series of steps needs to be followed exactly. Perhaps one set of bolts needs to go in before another and the order of insertion is crucial to the assembly. DiotaPlayer and its projective system is ideal for this problem.

Using the camera built into the system, the DiotaPlayer is able to identify the part of the fuselage in view, then project onto the surface clearly showing what areas need to be worked on first by the fitter. The projection shows the first set of the holes, highlighting them (in this instance) in blue-green, so the fitter can work on these and ignore all the other holes in the panel.

Diota have an impressive list of French industrial clients, including Renault, Dassault and SNCF. Price on application.