The News Project Podcast 10.17.22: COVID Boosters – Barn Sale – Crowdsource Cinema – EVs – Dorset Players – New MCL Leadership

October 18, 2022

Time For A Boost: A new booster for the Covid-19 vaccine is here and available. We talk with Health Commissioner Mark Levine to get the update on how things are going.

Barn Sale Returns: The Barn Sale is back, with benefits to flow to the United Counseling Service. Here’s the back story.

‘Star Wars’ Returns: GNAT-TV and the Manchester Community Library host a Crowdsourced Cinema screening featuring Star Wars: A New Hope.

Electric Vehicles And More: A display of electric cars, bikes and gardening tools was held at the Manchester Rec Park on Sept. 24. Rebates and financial incentives are growing to encourage their purchase.

Curtains Rise In Dorset: The Dorset Players are back, with Neil Simon’s “Barefoot in the Park.” More to come after that.

Manchester Library welcomes New Director: The Manchester Community Library has a new executive director, Ed Surjan, who was introduced to the community at a reception on Sept. 7.