Global Oneness Project Films in HD

Global Oneness Project Films in HD

Latest Episodes

Disposability Consciousness
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill feels that our belief that we are separate from the whole has created a disposability consciousness.

The Leaders of Today
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill speaks passionately about the role of young people in today's world and the importance of intergenerational connections.

Hope Committed to Action
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill speaks about the importance of hope committed to action. 

The Other Side of Fear
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill speaks about fear and love as two opposing forces in the world.

Fear is Simple and Profound
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill explains that fear and our addiction to comfort are key problems of modern society.

A Movement of Consciousness
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill explains that when we act from a consciousness of oneness we make mindful decisions that consider the whole rather than just ourselves.

Separation Syndrome
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill feels that the ecological and social crises we currently face reflects a deeper spiritual crisis in people.

We Stand in Two Worlds
December 14, 2009

Environmental and social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill believes humanity currently stands simultaneously within a world of desecration and a world of possibility.

Joanna Macy: Complete Interview
November 11, 2009

In this complete interview eco-philosopher Joanna Macy describes the Great Turning: the incredible opportunity to live our full humanity. "The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to

Future Generations
November 11, 2009

Eco-philosopher Joanna Macy imagines what future generations will say about this time.