Girls Gone WOD Podcast

Girls Gone WOD Podcast

Ep.334: Will Lanier + OUTWOD

September 25, 2019

We’re chatting with our friend Will Lanier of OUTWOD/TOF. You’re going to hear a lot from him today, but we don’t want you to miss out on the chance to qualify for The West Coast Classic in March of 2020 by signing out for OUTWOD’s OUT in the OPEN Leaderboard. It’s just $10 to enter, and the top 7 RX men’s and top 7 RX women’s finishers will qualify to face off at The OUTWOD Championships at the West Coast Classic in Del Mar, California. We know what you’re thinking – no, you don’t have to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community to enter. EVERYONE is welcome and registration is open now through the end of workout 20.1. All you have to do is sign up at and kick ass in the 2020 Open workouts for a shot to qualify.

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