GIGSS Streaming Academy

GIGSS Streaming Academy

Latest Episodes

Streamlined daily 6
April 19, 2019

What games are great to stream and how to determine one time

Streamline Daily 5
April 18, 2019

Should you host other streamers? why hosting is the best thing investment of your time offline

Streamlined Daily 4
April 17, 2019

Understand motivation and developing the WHY you do what you do

Streamlined Daily 3
April 15, 2019

Covering the difference between personal brand and business brand

StreamLined Daily #2
April 14, 2019

Covering the costs of giving up and not pursuing your dreams over feeling comfortable

Before-You-Streaming Checklist
January 17, 2019

An overview of what is needed and to be considered when starting or improving your videogame stream

Streamlined Daily #1
January 17, 2019

A briefly pontificating about the opportunity that 2019-2022 has for new streamers