Gig Mindset

Gig Mindset

Latest Episodes

Gold Watches Can't Do Yoga
July 10, 2019

Eric Gregg

The Six-Figure Freelancer
June 26, 2019

Jody Miller

When Work Goes From Fixed to Fluid
June 05, 2019

Antony Brydon

The Future Of Work Is Now
May 13, 2019

Anka Twum-Baah

The Way of the Interplay: AI + Gig
April 29, 2019

Peter Loforte

No, I'm Not Working In My Bathrobe
April 15, 2019

Shari Cruz

A Small Fish Makes His Own Big Pond
April 01, 2019

Brad Martin

Why The Gig Economy Is At The Tipping Point
March 18, 2019

Stephane Kasriel