Thought Design with Mark Mabry

Thought Design with Mark Mabry

Latest Episodes

What is a Thought? Dr. Dennis Deaton
July 16, 2024

Welcome to another episode of "Thought Design." Today, we are honored to have Dr. Dennis Deaton as our guest. Dr. Deaton is a distinguished thought leader in the realm of personal development and mind

Bonus: Two Home Runs, One at Bat
July 06, 2024

Full song included here! I challenged chat gpt and Suno to make a rap out of Eric Sogards message on my podcast!!! It smashed. Stream it here... I guess.

One Pitch at a Time with Eric Sogard
July 05, 2024

Eric Sogard played at the highest level of Major League Baseball for twelve years. In that time his batting average was .246. For perspective, that is right around the league average. Throughout his

Dr. Dale Hull: Neuroplasticity, Learning to Walk, and Mental Paralysis
June 08, 2024

Dr. Dale Hull was an OBGYN in the middle of a successful career when he failed to complete a backflip on his backyard trampoline this resulted in neck-down paralysis and a four month hospital stay d

What is Thought Design?
May 29, 2024

The only thing we can control is the thought in our head right now. Really it's the only thing. So will you be intentionally about it? Or will you let the other voices in your head run your life?

Bo's Childhood Exit Interview
July 29, 2022

Before my kids leave home, I sit them down for an exit interview. What did we do right? What did we do wrong? Regrets? Things we're proud of. What do you think about your brothers and sister? Bo is a

Getting Out of Hell
June 06, 2022

Have you ever had a "rough patch" in your marriage? For me, the functionality of my marriage is directly proportional to my ability to function anywhere else. When I'm sideways with my wife, my mind i

I asked my wife 7 Questions.
May 24, 2022

I'm afraid of stagnation... especially in my relationships... more especially in my relationship with my wife. Nothing scares me more than a situation where we find that the spark is so gone that neit

Essentials of Unity: Part 1 of 5
April 14, 2022

How can we build unity with someone who isn't aware that a relationship even exists yet? First, we need to understand that a "Relation" is the basic unity of unit. As soon as you're aware of someone

Mother's Day
May 10, 2021

I was asked to speak at our church for the Mother's Day service. Honest, I've never been so nervous to speak before. There are so many heartbreaks all around Motherhood... so that's exactly what I spoke about.  The value of heartbreak.  This...