getWITit | Women in Technology

getWITit | Women in Technology

Emotional Intelligence in Tech | Understanding the Human Side of Technology

September 09, 2019

We are back after taking a week off for Labor Day! We are joined by Izzy Elwyn, Software Developer and Team Lead at ScriptDrop, who founded the Columbus Tech EI Meetup. She initially planned on becoming a librarian but stumbled into tech by way of a warehouse distribution company and learned why it is critical to involve emotional intelligence in technology.

What exactly is EI in tech? It is all about exploring the human side of technology and the Meetup seeks to openly address the nebulous and nuanced issues of imposter syndrome, ego traps, depression, confidence, and more for the betterment of ourselves, our teams, and our community. The Columbus Tech EI Meetup takes place on the last Thursday of each month at the ScriptDrop office.