getWITit | Women in Technology

getWITit | Women in Technology

Scrummasters x 2

November 05, 2018

Divyangna Singh

Driving Digital Transformation

Columbus, Ohio

As a recovering MBA, I specialize in bridging the gap between business and technology. I've consulted in multiple countries and industries providing project and product leadership for complex enterprise level technology initiatives. I love defining data and value driven strategies for business and digital transformation in today's evolving technology landscape. I can deliver sustainable results by managing distributed teams and influencing corporate leadership to implement Agile as a mindset rather than a methodology.

In my time off, I provide skill based volunteer services to organizations working towards social change and economic empowerment. I've helped enable Non-Profits leverage technology to secure funding and enhance operations while conserving resources for sustainability.

Dustin Studer

Scrum Master at Gap Inc.

Columbus, Ohio

Scrum Master at Gap Inc coaching agile teams in the e-commerce fulfillment space