Get Unstuck & On Target

Get Unstuck & On Target

Episode 77: How to Grow Mental Muscle with Julie Bronsteatter

June 02, 2022

In this week’s episode, Mike and guest Julie Bronsteatter discuss how to grow your mental muscle and define what it is and how you grow it? Julie also talks about how she niched down to work with female leaders and not just female leaders, but female leaders who do not have children. That is a niche that we’ve not seen before but it’s clearly needed. 

Julie Bronsteatter’s Biography

Julie is a certified professional coach who is passionate about partnering with leaders to confidently take charge of their personal and professional lives. She has 15 years of corporate experience, starting her career in advertising as an account manager and transitioning into HR as a leader, executive coach, and mentor in both the entertainment and advertising industries. Her passion for leadership development and coaching led her to start her own coaching practice in 2021. 

Julie’s motto is “The ROI of a human being far outweighs the ROI of anything else in life”. 

In This Episode, You’ll Learn…
  • How to grow mental muscle.
  • The three core muscles that are at the root of mental fitness.
  • Why is it important to set boundaries.
  • How to use self-command, and build that mental muscle.
  • Learn who your judge and our saboteurs are.
  • “Like in meetings, I never wanted to come across as too enthusiastic or spastic or maybe over caffeinated if you will. And so I used to see it as a barrier and now I’ve truly embraced it as my superpower and believe me, no caffeine over here.” Julie Bronsteatter
  • “I took that moment of pause, it was during that moment of pause that I actually found a mental fitness program that was coming at such a perfect time in my life because at that point, my brain was my enemy, it was not my friend.” Julie Bronsteatter
  • “I will never say that that bad experience was a good thing. However, I’ve been able to find meaning and I’ve been able to see gifts and opportunities that came about because of that situation or because that happened to me.” Julie Bronsteatter
Links & Resources Mentioned…
