Get Unstuck & On Target

Get Unstuck & On Target

Ep176 Quentin Barrial - What Makes a Relentless Innovator Seek Failure

June 12, 2024

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?

According to leadership coach Mike O'Neill's latest guest, it's not what you think.

In this revealing interview, product design expert Quentin Barrial shares his winding path to entrepreneurship - from living in 6 countries to starting multiple businesses. And he's learned to embrace an unconventional measure of success along the way.

As Mike digs deeper, Quentin recounts a pivotal moment: pitching his kitchen utensil company to Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph. The feedback? Let's just say it wasn't pretty. 

But for Quentin, that harsh criticism was a turning point. "The parts that I love were the parts where I completely failed," he tells Mike.

The veteran coach draws out powerful insights from Quentin's story, exploring what fuels his passion for solving problems across industries. Quentin also shares his vision for a product incubator that provides the kind of honest advice entrepreneurs need to hear.

Throughout the conversation, Mike reflects on his own journey from the corporate world to coaching, relating to Quentin's experiences of feeling "stuck" and learning to push through.

Key points to look out for:

• How Quentin's global background and diverse entrepreneurial experiences have shaped his unconventional approach to measuring success and embracing failure

• Mike's insightful questions that uncover the surprising traits and mindset shifts essential for entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and keep innovating

• Quentin's vision for creating a product incubator that provides honest, direct feedback to help founders solve problems and bring game-changing ideas to life

If you've ever faced challenges on your entrepreneurial path, this episode will inspire you to see them in a new light. As Mike and Quentin show, failure isn't the end of the road - it's an essential part of the journey.

Find all the show notes and links here: