Get Unstuck & On Target

Get Unstuck & On Target

Ep175 Dr Richard Shuster - The Brutal Truth Behind an Entrepreneur's Near-Death Experience

June 06, 2024

He was making more money than ever before, working 80-100 hours per week, and on top of the world. 

Until a stroke nearly ended it all.

In this raw and honest conversation with host Mike O'Neill, Dr. Richard Shuster shares the life-changing wake-up call that transformed how he approaches work, life, and everything in between.

As the CEO of Your Success Insights and host of the top-rated "Daily Helping" podcast, Dr. Richard is no stranger to the hustle. But his non-stop grind came to a screeching halt when he found himself in the hospital, his life hanging by a thread. 

With a newfound perspective, he shares the critical changes he made to redesign his life, including:

- The 3-tier "funnel" he now uses to ruthlessly qualify who gets on his calendar

- How he reframed his relationship with urgency and what really deserves his immediate attention 

- The power of the "4 D's" (Do, Delegate, Delay, Drop) in maximizing productivity

- Why scheduling self-care isn't just important - it's non-negotiable

Host Mike O'Neill masterfully draws out insights and reflections from Dr. Richard, challenging him to go deeper into the mindset shifts required to truly transform.

As a leadership coach who's guided countless high achievers through similar journeys, Mike shares his own observations on the crucial role of authenticity and purpose in inspiring others. 

This conversation is a must-listen for any entrepreneur who's ever felt the pressure to "do it all" - and a wake-up call to redefine what true success really means. 

With Mike's wisdom and Dr. Richard's raw honesty, listeners will walk away inspired to lead with greater intention, prioritize what matters most, and build a life of harmony over hustle.
