The Zone Project Podcast

Experience And Literalism
I'm excited to share with all of you the fifth episode of The Zone Project Podcast where I share some thoughts on the difference it makes to our journeys when we approach them from an experiential side as opposed to just a literal one.
In this fifth episode you will have the chance to hear my second attempt at a solo podcast. I have only ever done this once before and so I ask for another extension of grace as I continue to travel along the podcast universe. Don't worry soon I will stop telling you this and asking you to be graceful... I must say that I am really enjoying doing these and hope that you are also as much as I am. It is truly freeing to be able to share my heart and the discoveries and meditations I often have within it. In this episode I swim within the tensions of literalism and experience. I focus particularly in the way that so many of us limit our understanding and experience of God to the text that is written within the Bible.
Clearly in order to experience the deep and life giving riches that are beneath the text in the Bible we need to first read it. There are many of us these days that think that one can only be a part of either a literal or an experiential journey with God. Once again the truth is in neither of these extremes or opposites but instead in the middle between them where we find a healthy mixture of both. Remember the literal text in the Bible can only affect you and change you if it is mixed together with a real time ongoing relation with God who is the one that gives you the eyes to see the spiritual meanings and riches that are behind each word in the text.
As you listen please consider sharing this with your friends and family if you feel it has offered value and the contents are likely to make a difference in their lives. Much of what I am doing these days is a direct and intentional attempt to enlarge the base which my work reaches and I am only too aware that this can only happen in part by this work being shared out by friends like yourself.
I would like to also remind all of you once again about the new and interactive community I launched a few weeks ago which you can check out here:
Finally once again thank you very much for listening and for your ongoing support with everything I share with you and the world.