Squared Away

Squared Away Ep. 146 Sleep Unveiled
Embark on an enlightening journey into the realm of sleep science with Episode 146 of the Squared Away Podcast! Delve deep into the research of Dr. Gina Poe as we unravel the intricate relationship between sleep, growth hormone release, and the circadian rhythm. Learn the crucial significance of consistent bedtime routines in triggering optimal growth hormone release, responsible for the repair of vital brain tissues involved in memory formation. Discover the different stages of non-REM and REM sleep, and how each cycle contributes to memory processing and creativity.
Uncover actionable steps to enhance the quality of your sleep, from maintaining regular sleep schedules and understanding the impact of external factors to tapping into the secrets of optimal rest. Join us in Episode 146 as we decode the mysteries of your nightly adventures, offering practical tips to transform your sleep patterns and revitalize your waking hours. Tune in now to the Squared Away Podcast and take the first step towards unlocking the secrets of a restful night’s sleep!