Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

From Boys to Men and Taming the Green-Eyed Monster

March 11, 2015

Raising great men isn’t easy especially for a single woman. Marie Roker-Jones is the founder of Raising Great Men ( and @raisinggreatment)and she is stopping by to talk about raising boy and the importance of the mother-son connection. In fact, improving communications in relationships overall is something Marie is very passionate about.

Male, female, young or old, we have all grappled with feelings of envy at one point or another. Author Josh Gressel (Embracing Envy: Finding the Spiritual Treasure in Our Most Shameful Emotion) says that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, he says envy can be good. By embracing envy, we can take this often negative emotion and transfer it into something that helps us become better versions of ourselves.