Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Be Healthy - Inside and Out

February 25, 2015

An apple a day keeps the doctor away … but it takes more than that to really be healthy. Swamiji … also known as the Hip Guru … ( makes wellness and spirituality practical, accessible and fun, and well hip! His latest book focuses on stress management tips for the college students but he has information for everyone on dissolving stress in 60 seconds or less, making quick tasty and nutritious meals and finding spirituality in your daily life. It’s a lot to cover in a half hour but we’ll make it an informational and hip time! Sara Kravitz and I go way back … I mean like second grade. As a representative for Arbonne, she has found her passion. With skin care, cosmetics and nutrition she believes in, Sara has built a successful business helping women to showcase their unique beauty. What makes a woman beautiful? We’ll be talking about it tonight!