Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Learning to Listen ... Bringing Back Virtue

July 28, 2014

Most of the time, when we talk about communication, we are talking about talking. Only that is only half of any communication. The often overlooked and under-value side belongs to listening ... and it is more than just being quiet while the other person speaks. Gloria Boysal teaches people how to listen intuitively. She calls her techique the Truth Talking Connection and she'll discuss using it to get beyond what is being said to what is truly being communicated beneath the surface.

Tanya Wilson is a speaker, coach and author of Bringing Back Virtue: 30-Day Inspirational Devotional for Women. Her book helps women focus on their goals and using the abilities and talents they have to create the success they want. Tanya knows that true inspiration goes beyond feeling good and requires actually taking steps to reach your goals.