Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Your Mind … The Instruction Manual

July 14, 2014

According to Chris M. Sprague, all of the positive thinking in the world won’t make a difference if your goal is something that your brain is not hardwired to do. It’s just that simple. A best-selling author in his own right, Chris helps people understand how they are wired, to reduce frustration, increase performance and transform their lives through understanding who they are and helping them get where they want to go. And he’s not just an expert, he’s someone who took a 15 year detour until understanding his own wiring set him on the right path.

Just four years ago, Dina Proctor hit rock bottom after struggling with alcohol, food issues and suicidal depression. Then she found something that worked for her. By accident, she created 3x3 Meditation. Meditating three times a day for just three minutes caused her transformation. In her book, Madly Chasing Peace, she chronicles her personal journey and lays out the steps that can fit meditation into even the busiest day!