Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Getting Up and Getting On ... You Can Do It!

June 23, 2014

Devastating events don’t have to mean defeat. If you are thinking about throwing in the towel, listen in.

Darcy Keith was a senior in college when she woke up from a coma with no memory of her major, a traumatic brain injury and paralysis over half of her body. Yet, for Darcy, this devastation was not a final defeat. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work. A year and a half later, she graduated from college with a new major. Doctors were so impressed with her recovery that they nicknamed her ‘The Miracle Child.’ Now Darcy’s a successful motivational speaker who shares the S.T.E.P.S. she used to make such a remarkable recovery. And she’ll be sharing those tips with me.

Next Up, I’ll speak with coach and speaker Stevii Aisha Mills. It’s time to get serious and get it done! Like Darcy, Stevii is an overcomer. Due to stress, Stevii developed Shingles, had her system shut down and had 3 colonoscopies within 30 days. She went from a size 14 to a 0. She emerged from this physical collapse determined to train others to be physically, fiscally and mentally fit.