Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Finding the Courage to Climb and Succeed

June 02, 2014

Courage is the theme of tonight's show. Harriet Tramer has written a book called Racing to Heaven which tells of a teenaged girls development through her relationship with a horse named Big Red. The relationship between young girls and horses has been explored over the years but Harriet's take as well as her writing style draw readers in. We'll discuss the courage displayed within the book as well as the courage to write as writing is a courageous pursuit in and of itself.

Next, we'll talk to another writer, Sherry Shoemaker. In her book, Courage to Climb: 12 Women Surmount the Impossible, she tells the story of 11 women (and includes her own story) who have overcome devastation  from crippling poverty to domestic violence to the death of a child. She shares what gave these women the courage to not just survive but to ultimately survive!